Friday, June 17, 2011

Philippine History June 14

June 14 Events
1962 - President Diosdado Macapagal signs into law a bill creating the Rice and Corn Administration and abolishing the National Rice and Corn Corporation. Some of the provisions of the new agency are to stabilize the prices of the cereals and provide incentives for production; to regulate the supply of rice and corn, and to accumulate stocks as a national reserve in such quantities necessary to meet contingencies.
1960 - Dwight D. Eisenhower, the first President of the United States to visit the Philippines arrives in Manila.
1945 - End of the battle of Besang Pass, in which the Philippine-American forces defeat the Japanese armies under General Yamashita in a struggle that has lasted for several months.
1941 - President Quezon signs the maternity-leave bill granting women in government service 60 days maternity leave with full pay in addition to the usual sick and vacation leaves.
1941 - Josefa Llanes-Escoda is elected President of the National Federation of Women’s Clubs.
1939 - President Quezon signs the residence tax bill which is to take effect in January, 1940. Individuals will pay P 0.50 and corporations, P5. a year.
1909 - The College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines is established, with Edwin B. Copeland as dean.
1897 - Spanish troops attack Aguinaldo’s headquarters on Mount Puray near Montalban. The revolutionaries under Generals Aguinaldo and Geronimo, fight with great valor. The defeated Spanish troops leave their casualties and arms on the battlefield.
1584 - The Royal Audiencia or Supreme Court of the Philippines holds its first session in Manila.

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